Why Is My Patio Going Green and How Can I Stop It?

Why Is My Patio Going Green and How Can I Stop It?

Why Is My Patio Turning Green?

The green discolouration on your patio is likely caused by the growth of algae, mould, or mildew, which thrive in damp and dark conditions. Factors such as lack of sunlight, poor drainage, and the presence of organic debris contribute to the development of these organisms. Typically, surfaces will become increasingly green over the winter months, when light is at its lowest and wetter conditions are present.

How Do I Remove Green Algae From My Patio?

You have several options available to you when attempting to remove green organic staining from your patio. However, some options may deliver poorer results than others, or involve additional risks to other garden life and surfaces. We’ve covered the popular methods and questions on this topic below.

Use A Specialist Cleaning Solution

A specialist patio cleaning solution is the best option for removing green growth from patio surfaces. These products are HSE approved biocides specifically designed to target only the unsightly green growth, avoiding damage to the surrounding material or the underlying surface. When used according to the instructions, this will be the simplest and safest way to remove green staining and help prevent future regrowth.

We recommend using Greener Kleener or GK Pro (professional users) to address your patio greening issues. Simply apply the solution according to the instructions and your surface will be free of green staining within 24 hours. These products are safe for surrounding biological entities, including plants and animals.

Can I Use A Pressure Washer To Remove Green From My Patio?

A pressure washer is another option for those looking to remove green material from their patio. However, it’s important to remember that this approach relies on high degrees of force to blast the growth off the surface. This will cause damage to the underlying material and will not help prevent future growth.

Can I Use Household Chemicals, Like Bleach, Vinegar or Baking Soda, To Remove Green From My Patio?

Bleach, vinegar and baking soda are sometimes combined with water to create a cleaning solution to address green growth. These concoctions can work, however will require a substantial amount of scrubbing (which can damage surfaces) and may also kill other surrounding biological entities, such as grass, plants or animals who come in to contact with the substance.

How Do I Stop My Patio From Going Green Again In The Future?

There are many things you can do to reduce future growth of unpleasant green growths when planning a new patio or maintaining an existing one.

1. Use algae-resistant materials

Less porous materials are more algae resistant than more porous ones. You might want to consider using a material such as porcelain when building your next patio to reduce minimise growth.

2. Use a sealant

Consider applying a sealant, such as GK Invisible Stone Sealer, which has anti-staining properties and creates a barrier against growth.

3. Keep it clear of garden debris

Keep the area clear of fallen debris, such as soil and twigs, which will encourage this kind of growth and increase the amount of moisture in the area. 

4. Ensure your surface has proper drainage

Ensuring that water is not pooling in the areas you’re trying to keep free of green growth is critical. Adequate drainage will help in this respect. A dry patio is a patio free of green algae other growths.

5. Minimise shade

As previously mentioned, algae and other green growths thrive in dark and shaded areas. Consider trimming hedges or trees that are creating that algae-growing shade and ensure surfaces get plenty of light during the summer months. Do not leave surfaces covered for extended periods of time.

Final Thoughts

So, what have we learnt? Patios turn green due to the growth of mould, moss and algae, which are prone to growing in moist areas. To remove these green growths, consider using a specialist patio cleaning biocide, such as Greener Kleener or GK Pro. Other options, such as jet washing or use of household chemicals, may be effective but can damage the underlying substrate or the surrounding vegetation and wildlife. Take preventative steps, such as using a sealant and minimising moisture, to avoid future growth or regrowth.