Image from - M Powell Cleaning Services
Before and After
GK Black Spot Remover applied to stone

Images from - Nuneaton Softwash
Product in use
GK Black Spot Remover applied to stone

Product Description
GK Black Spot Remover is a premium solution designed for the effortless removal of black spots, discolouration and microbiological contaminants on porous surfaces. Tailored for use on stone, render, block paving, and concrete, this high-performance cleaner can revive surfaces marred by those stubborn black stains. GK Black Sport Remover uses a thixotropic, slightly viscous, and non-penetrating liquid composition and boasts a unique alkali formula enriched with wetting agents. This blend targets both organic and non-organic staining with precision, ensuring a thorough cleaning that leaves surfaces free of unsightly blotches and marks.
GK Black Spot Remover thins when agitated, allowing for optimal contact with surface contamination. Its non-invasive nature also allows for an extended on-surface dwell time (up to 24 hours), meaning the solution has ample time to work its magic. This product can be used as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with GK Pro biocidal treatment.
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