How To Prepare Exterior Walls For Painting

How To Prepare Exterior Walls For Painting

Painting an exterior wall and breathe new life into your property. However, before you pick up that paintbrush, it's crucial to lay the groundwork for a successful endeavour. We'll delve into the essential steps to ensure a lasting and beautiful finish in this guide and answer some common questions. But first, remember to stay safe by wearing hand and eye protection while working on exterior surface, in addition to a breathing mask when working with harmful chemicals.

Cleaning External Walls Before Painting

Cleaning external walls before painting is the first critical step in achieving a flawless and long-lasting finish.

Begin the process by applying a specialist fungicidal cleaning solution, such as GK Pro Fungicidal Wash, to ensure that any existing mould, mildew, or fungal growth is eliminated. This not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also prevents potential issues beneath the paint layer from damaging the substrate.

Following this, employ a sturdy brush to meticulously scrub the walls, removing surface dirt and debris that may compromise the adherence of the paint. For more stubborn areas, utilise a scraper to eliminate loose masonry or peeling paint, creating a smooth and even surface for the upcoming painting task.

Fill Any Cracks & Repair Damage

Once the walls are thoroughly cleaned, it's essential to address any cracks or imperfections in the surface. Fill any noticeable cracks with a high-quality exterior filler, ensuring that the material is compatible with the wall's composition. This step is crucial as it prevents water infiltration, which could lead to further damage and compromises the integrity of the paint job. Smoothly applying the filler and allowing it to dry completely will result in a uniform and seamless surface, laying the groundwork for a professional-looking paint finish that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also fortifies the exterior against potential weathering. For any more sizeable cracks or damage to the wall, you may need to consult a professional.

Apply a Primer

Using a brush or roller, apply a thin, even coat of primer over the entire surface. Pay special attention to areas that have been filled with exterior filler, ensuring the primer penetrates and seals the repaired areas. Allow the primer to dry completely according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Do You Have to Sand Exterior Walls Before Painting?

If there’s a lot of loose paint or the surface is glossy, you may want to sand your surface before painting. This will improve the adhesion of the new layer of paint. In other cases, you will likely not need to worry about sanding the surface beforehand.

What Happens If You Paint Without Primer On Exterior Walls?

Some people believe a primer layer is not important. However, for the best finish possible, a primer is a very good idea. In addition to promoting better paint adhesion, the primer also helps to create a uniform surface, allowing the paint to adhere more evenly and ensuring a more professional and aesthetically pleasing result. It’s especially important if you’re changing the colour of the exterior wall, to ensure the new colour appears at its best.

Taking the time to apply a primer is a crucial step in the process that significantly contributes to the longevity and quality of your exterior paint job.

Do I Need To Remove All Exterior Paint Before Repainting?

If the original paint layer is very old and has not been maintained for a long time, you may want to consider removing the original layer in its entirety before continuing. New paint can have difficulty sticking to a wall when the surface is in a poor condition. You’ll want to inspect the wall for excessive cracking, peeling or blistering, which are all signs of old and damaged paint, before proceeding with removal.

Final Thoughts

Painting the exterior of your property can bring about a remarkable transformation, but success hinges on careful preparation. First, you’ll want to clean the surface with specialist fungicidal cleaning solution like GK Pro Fungicidal Wash. In some cases, removing the original layer of paint is advised, but this is typically only required when there is excessive peeling or damage. Address cracks and imperfections with a quality filler material before using a primer to get the best results.

If you've followed our guide and considered each of the questions above, your exterior wall will be ready for painting and be in the best condition possible for an enduring and attractive paint finish.